
convention concerning social security for seafarers معنى

  • اتفاقية بشأن الضمان الاجتماعي للبحارة
  • convention    n. تقليد, مؤتمر, م ...
  • concerning    adj. متعلق; adv. م ...
  • social    adj. اجتماعي, أنيس ...
  • social security    ضمان إجتماعي
  • security    n. أمن, كفالة, ضما ...
  • for    conj. لأجل, عوضا ع ...
  • seafarers    البحّارة

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. convention concerning seamen’s articles of agreement معنى
  2. convention concerning sickness insurance for agricultural workers معنى
  3. convention concerning sickness insurance for seamen معنى
  4. convention concerning sickness insurance for workers in industry and commerce and domestic servants معنى
  5. convention concerning social policy in non-metropolitan territories معنى
  6. convention concerning termination of employment at the initiative of the employer معنى
  7. convention concerning the abolition of forced labour معنى
  8. convention concerning the abolition of penal sanctions for breaches of contract of employment by indigenous workers معنى
  9. convention concerning the age for admission of children to employment in agriculture معنى
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